Monday, April 28, 2014

The Manix Map: Step One (Waters) & Step Two (Mountains)

Manix: Water & Continental Outlines

Manix: Mountain Ranges & Elevations
My partner has run a variety of D&D games in his home-brew fantasy setting called Manix. First created when he was in high school, it's seen a wide variety of adventures and gaming shenanigans, and a large number of players have trod its soil through the years.

Recently, he decided he wanted to return to Manix for the purpose of running a D&D Next game (using the last iteration of playtest rules). So, I volunteered to take his binder full of notes and lovingly hand-drawn maps and apply a little Photoshop wizardry to them.

This map uses the Saderan Tutorial I've mentioned before, from the geniuses at the Cartographer's Guild.

Since I already had a map of the place, I didn't need to generate a new continent outline.

Instead, I created the base layer of clouded black-and-white (see the tutorial for what I'm talking about here) and then pasted the map I had in a layer above it. I then reduced the Opacity of that map layer low enough to where I could see the black-and-white layer beneath it, and then shaped the landmasses below.

Now, although Manix is a flat-world created by magic, and so doesn't necessarily have to follow terrestrial standards for things, I still wanted to use what little I know about the basics of plate tectonics to figure out what its subaquatic geography and mountain ranges should look like. So, on another layer, I simply drew in some red lines as rough guidelines, basing them on where my partner had already put mountains in his setting.

After that, I put some detail into the water for the map, as you can see in the first map above. After that, I went ahead and added in the mountain ranges, layer-by-layer, until I finished with what you see in the second map above: a continent cluster full of various mountain ranges.

Total Time Spend in Map Creation by this Point: 2-3 hours

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Blank Continent Map 3: The Islands


This is a small map I put together for a fiction setting I was working on. Fun sort of fantasy setting that I'm sure I'll go back to at some point.

In the meantime, though, feel free to use this map for your personal gaming! I think it'd be a great set-up for some seafaring travel type adventure gaming, replacing the whole "trudging across the hills/plains/forests/tundras" with shipboard travel from one adventure site to the next.


Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Sapphire House (Waterdeep Inn)

The Sapphire House
Today's offering is an inn & boarding house, based out of the Castle Ward in Waterdeep: the Sapphire House.

It's located right across the street from Blackstaff Tower, where a variety of NPCs have taken rooms from time to time. I assumed that it would probably be a bit of player character involvement, but they seem to have taken a liking to other establishments around the City of Splendors (like the Crawling Spider, for instance).

Fortunately, it's pretty bog-standard enough to fulfill the need for any fair-sized inn, so I thought it might be appreciated up here.
