Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Silversley House

First Floor

Second Floor
 This is a map of a manor-house I created for my D&D 4th Edition game, Liminal State. It is set in Liminal, a massive metropolis that has several neighborhoods that are "imbricate" - the local term for a district of the city that is part of both Liminal and another extraplanar city.

The Silversley House is one of many large manor-houses in the city. While most of them are owned by the various nobility of the nations across the continent, the Silversley House is owned by a city-state called Astrapola, which is governed by a magocracy of astrologers. Though Astrapola doesn't have a formal embassy in Liminal, it maintains the Silversley House as a place for its important citizens who visit the city.

The First Floor basically consists of a lot of public areas used for entertaining by its various residents, as well as some servant domiciles.

The Second Floor boasts the massive library (filled with various emphemeris references and other similar tomes used by astrologers, as well as historical texts), and four sets of suites.

Tower, Third & Fourth Floor
The Tower has a variety of studies that are made available to visiting dignitaries, astrologers and other persons of importance to use as offices while they are in Liminal, and a rooftop stellarium, including all the mechanisms one might employ to read the stars.

Finally, the Cellars include the wine cellars and household pantry, as well as a set of vaults made available for the storage of items of value or other importance by notable visitors, as well as the Astrapolan-style bathhouse (Astrapola has a very Turkish feel to it, and many important social interactions tend to happen in one of the many great baths of that city-state).

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