Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Vault of Sages, Silverymoon

The Vault of Sages
Part of my Waterdeep game involved the PCs taking a jaunt over to Silverymoon to engage in some crazy Emergency Research Action!

Descriptions of the Vault note that it is "horse-shoe" shaped. Though the map of Silverymoon has a spot marked with the Vault on it, it is a very generous thing indeed to say that the shape they use for it there is that of a horse shoe.

So, what the heck - I'd already kind of fallen in love with the mental layout I had of a massive library/sage-mall in that shape, I went ahead and went with the inspiration over the map.

It is notable that in spite of this freaking place being five stories tall, it also has just as many subterranean levels of vaults beneath it, which are, obviously, not shown here.

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